Hannah McQuilkan's first 3-day Forest Bathing Workshop here at Wairua Lodge



We all know how good it feels to be out and about in nature. The Japanese have studied this natural phenomenon and have used it to develop a method to help combat stress in today’s ever faster society. Learn more about forest bathing at Wairua Lodge.

“Shinrin-yoku” translates to “taking in the forest atmosphere” or “forest bathing” and this beneficial practice has become a cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine.
Hannah McQuilkan is an Auckland based Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Shamanic Healer and Forest Therapy Guide. With 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, her work is rich, deep and powerfully transformative. Hannah held her first 3-day Forest Bathing Workshop here at Wairua Lodge in January 2019.

Forest bathing has its origins in Japan. As early as 1980, the Japanese state forestry authority suggested that excursions into the forest should be integrated as a “component of a good lifestyle”. Staying in the forest is like a kind of aromatherapy that is beneficial to health. Shinrinyoku” (forest bathing) has long since become a recognized “stress management method” in Japan. By inhaling the essential oils that the trees release into the air, our immune system is strengthened. Due to the terpenes contained in the forest air, our body increasingly produces so-called killer cells, which work against cancer. It is not necessary to exert yourself physically during your stay in the forest. Already a comfortable walk in the forest is called “Shinrinyoku” by the Japanese.

What People said About Hannah’s Workshop at our Lodge:

“This Retreat was so nurturing to my inner tree, my roots are nourished and my branches
bathed and massaged with life luxuries. Simple and profound. Recommended.” – Ranya, NZ

“Unwinding from a nervous system that is needing reminders of how to slow down and
breathe with ease. This retreat provided a space for reconnecting and I loved the
invitations of the Forest Therapy as a way to meet the need of unwinding and connecting
to the fact that I am part of the whole”. – Siri, Norway

“After hours on the road we got off the asphalt and dived into the jungle, through a
gravel road and bridges of water. Wairua Lodge opened up paradise on earth. Hannah was
a great host on this adventure, I got in touch and felt the nature”. – Karl, Norway.


Read more about Hannah’s experience at Wairua: Forest Bathing at Wairua Lodge

Check out Hannah’s website if you would like to find out more about tree mystic: www.treemystic.com