In Wairua we live and work in the middle of a precious rainforest. It is therefore important to us to ensure our lodge operations and life in Wairua is as sustainable as possible. A visual insight into our way of life, the preservation of biodiversity and the native bird life.
In Wairua we try to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. We run our own water supply, waste management system with rainforest fertilization, a permaculture garden with compost and the energy we use comes from renewable hydroelectric power. All cleaning products we use and toiletries we offer to our guests are biodegradable. We buy in bulk and generally try to keep our plastic consumption as low as possible.
One of our biggest commitments is to preserve the biodiversity of our rainforest. Introduced invasive plants and the spread of non-native trees has put the biodiversity of the rainforest under pressure. In addition, introduced animals such as rats, possums, weasels and wild cats pose a great threat, especially to the unique bird life. What can we, as a small landowner, do on our six hectares of rainforest? An enormous amount! We weed, cut wood, plant native shrubs and trees, operate feeding stations for the birds, create breeding grounds and stop intruders like rats and possums.
We recently received one of the nicest compliments from a regular guest who had noticed that there had been a notable increase in the amount of native birds that he saw and heard around the lodge.
We have also joined the organization “New Zealand Tourism Sustainability” and are committed to living the vision and values of this organization.
Below you can see our commitment in some pictures.